Monday, May 14, 2012

Dear Owl Customers...Part Four

Dear Sir, 

You were not in my section, but I played rock-paper-scissors with you because I was bored and I knew the lone fat man in my section would not be tipping at all (I was right, he tipped two dollars.  Yeah I stereotype.  And they always come out right!).  You told me to go get whatever merchandise I wanted, so I grabbed the undies, natch.  You then gave me a $100 tip.  I came back to the table huffing and puffing because I was doing the running man in the back.  Because of your generosity, you made my day and I was able to pay rent.  I'll never forget your face, especially since I found out later you tipped your own server $500.00.  You will be sitting in my section next time.



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