Monday, May 14, 2012

Ensemble of the Day: My Dress Threw Up a Rainbow Edition

Virginia sucks.  The stores do not.  I found this dress in Fairfax a couple weeks ago at Yesterday's Rose, the same shop where I found that AMAZING mint dress discussed in this post.  I LOVE SHEER DRESSES.  I really do.  I love that I can wear them in every season and regulate my temperature by adding layers.  I bought this dress for the drop waist.  I love the twenties.  Love them.  I love how flattering drop waist dresses can be with the right construction.  I love that there are so many colors on this dress.  I love the scarf-like collar.  I felt like a fashionable clown.

I love the fact that this dress wasn't made in China (Label says Korea, but this is not in sync with Korean style as I know it).  It is very difficult to find clothes these days not made in China, Malaysia, Pakistan, or the Philippines.  I try try try to avoid modern clothes, with companies using dubious labor practices and all.  So yeah, you can call me a fashion environmentalist since I purchase mostly vintage or used clothes.  Does this make up for me taking long showers?  I know, I am contribution to the depletion of fresh water sources.
I could not even tell you what year this dress was made.  I can tell you that my washer almost ripped it to shreds and I gave said washer a good scolding.

The pattern is strange, and if I stand the wrong way I'll look like Wally the Walrus, but I love this dress.

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