Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ensemble of the Day: Yo it's Polyester Edition

Synthetic nails.  Synthetic eyelashes.  Synthetic hair.  Nobody judges you for wearing synthetic eyeballs but the moment you tell somebody that you're wearing polyester it's all, "Oh mah gawwwwwwwwwwd you're an old school ghetto blaster!"  Really trick?  Really?  You KNOW your eyes are doodoo brown and not green don't you dare tell me oh mah gawwwwwwwwwwd.  

Many thought that the end of the 1970s would bring about the death of polyester.  But as any vintage hunter worth her salt knows, polyester made a reappearance in the 1980s.  I looked up polyester online and the article said that it tried to make a reappearance in the 80s but failed.  I know this is not true.  Do not listen to the Internet.  My closet is proof.  Bring it on shiny fabrics!  I happen to love dresses with a little bit of 80s sheen on it.  Afro sheen.  Let your SOUUUUUUUUL GLOW sheen.  *Aside  Did you know that pleated dresses and skirts from before the 1980s were 9/10 polyester?  Polyester is one of the few fabrics that can hold a shape.  I've thrown a pleated skirt in the washing machine dozens of times and it still retains its shape!  I will never abandon polyester never! Aside over*

I bought this dress during the winter so I never got the opportunity to wear it.  It is about two sizes too big so I added an electric blue suede belt to ensure I wouldn't look like Wally the Wallowing Walrus.  No necklace needed; simple purple earrings and a magenta bracelet brought out the nice jewel tones in the dress.  The sleeves are considered short, basic, flutter sleeves.  I'm not wearing any shoes because I was headed to CVS, not that it's any of your business.

Yeah yeah I was playing with the different settings on the camera.

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