Thursday, April 19, 2012

Image of the Day: Princess Margaret

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowden and the sister of the current Queen of England, Elizabeth, was quite the dish back in her day.  Look at that sloping neck!  And those shoulders!  Snowy white shoulders!  *Aside, my golden brown shoulders are prettier but I'm no hater!  I just read too many romance novels and they're always talking about snowy white shoulders!  Aside over *  Those are some pretty seductive eyes she's giving ya'll.  Ok technically it's one eyeball; however, it's a very seductive eyeball.  

Margie is my polyester around the town goddess.  She had tons of boyfriends, spent a lot of money on clothes and vacations, and was definitely apart of the 60s swinging London set.  Have ya'll seen the tv movie?!  I stole 3 looks from that miniseries alone.  Please go watch it.  You can thank me later by giving me a Sephora gift card for $25.  That should buy me some chapstick. 

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